Being The Potter Stones
2019 was a tough year for ThePotterStones. Our highs were high but our lows were very low. Interestingly, these highs and lows seemed to occur in consecutive and rapidly repeating order. During our first Sunday Team Stone Family Meeting over tea, we decided 2020 was going to be our year. Dave was excited learn about and launch a new website, Chase was really enjoying kindergarten, and Allison was fulfilled with her career working with children. 2020 was our year! What could go wrong?…
Three months later, Covid 19 took over our lives. All schools are closed for the rest of the school year in Vermont, many restaurants and local businesses are closed and Governor Scott has ordered the state to stay safe at home to prevent the rapid spread of this virus. Although we are grateful for our safety, health and home and the opportunity for Allison to continuing working with students utilizing technology, some of our income revenues are not possible.
To make the most of our current situation, we are focusing on continuing to find our joys in life. 2020 will still be a year of memories for sure, just a bit different than we expected. Please join us for the trials and tribulations of Being ThePotterStones, Covid-19 edition!
Dave, I was in Aki Jitsu class with you a while back. I have a quote I have been saving for you that speaks to your craft from the I Ching. Please e-mail me your address so I can send it to you. I is nice to see the photos of your family. Chase is growing fast. My children have been the biggest joy in my life. Stay healthy, Ted